The Water Element
Featured ·
Chakra: Six petaled Svadhisthana (sweetness) chakraAnimal: WhalesDynamic: Yin, feminine, receptiv...

The Function of Essential Oils in Sinus Infection
Co-authored with Dr. Syeda Farzana Bibi, PhD, MSc, MEd. When one enters into the world of aromath...

Relief of Arthritis Symptoms using Essential Oils
The word Arthritis actually refers to over 100 different diseases affecting areas in and around ...

Research Finds Certain Essential Oils and Carriers Support Hair Growth as Well As, or Better Than Rogaine®…*
We’ve Precisely Formulated These Oils In a Blend Called “Happy Hair” to Stop Hair Loss and Stimul...

How Perfumes Make You Sexy
How Perfumes Make You Sexy by Janice WeeWhat attracts you to the opposite sex?What makes a guy an...

Flower Essences - Yarrow Environmental Solution
A spotlight on one of our favorite flower essence combinations - Yarrow Environmental Solution:Th...

Synergy Essentials (Ananda): Will you offer Vanilla CO2 Extract soon?
We currently do not carry Vanilla oil due to the affodability at the moment. But we'd like to ta...

Essential Oils for the Home Care Kit
A new addition to our reading room: Essential Oils for the Home Care Kit. This article explores 1...

Essential Oils - The Truth About Aromatherapy
The Truth About Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy, the use of essential oils, is used to provide a balanc...

Flower Essences Can Assist Yoga Practice
Flower Essences are gaining recognition for there effective support in moving through emotional c...

The Fire Element
Chakra: Ten petal Manipurna (lustrous gem) chakraAnimal: DragonDynamic: Yang, active, masculine.C...

The Earth Element
Chakra: Four petaled Muladhara root chakra.Animal: ElephantDynamic: Yang, active, masculine, rich...

Aromatherapy for Pets
Pets can enjoy the therapeutic effects of aromatherapy as much as humans can. Aside from possibly...

Aromatherapy Candles
Aromatherapy Candles - Do You Know How to Use These 14 Key Essential Oils? by Justine van ZylEsse...

The Basics of Pure Essential Oils
Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Part 1, the Basics - by Danny SiegenthalerAromatherapy makes use ...

Aromatherapy Candles - How to Select the Right Scent
Feel sad, tired, or a little bit stressed? Something as simple as an aromatherapy candle could he...

New Studies Continue to Confirm the Anxiety-Reducing Effects of Lavender Essential Oil
Studies often utilize lavender essential oil, as it's effects are well documented, it is easy to ...

Research Update on Frankincense’s Cancer Fighting Potential
Here’s an update on the incredible scientific research showing Frankincense essential oils destro...

Natural Medicine Getting More Attention from Mainstream
An article in the Miami Herald has noted that the use of natural and complementary medicine in th...

Natural defense Against mosquito's Includes Citronella Essential Oil
Save this one for the summer: Dr. Joseph Mercola's popular natural health newsletter has made ava...

Essential oils positively affects mood, EEG patterns of alertness and math computations
Diego MA, Jones NA, Field T, Hernandez-Reif M, Schanberg S, Kuhn C, McAdam V, Galamaga R, Galamag...

Melissa Combats the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
The Herpes Simplex virus (or HSV) is a difficult disease. It is widely known as incurable, with p...

Sandalwood Essential Oil - Aromatherapy for the Mind, Body & Spirit
Sandalwood is one of the world's most widely used essential oils, prized for its scent in perfume...

Making Essential Oils - Steam Distillation, CO2's and Absolutes
Aromatherapy Goes 'High Tech' - New methods of essential oil extraction are entering the mainstr...

Essential oils are one of nature's premier healing gifts
These delicate compounds demand great care in their production - from growing and harvesting of ...

Frankincense and Myrrh EO’s Tested Together Against Numerous Cancer Cell Lines. See the Results!
Frankincense and Myrrh essential oils have both been positively studied for their anti-cancer act...

What is a CO2 Extract? How Are CO2′s and Essential Oils Different?
What does ‘CO2′ and ‘Super Critical CO2′ mean to the aromatherapist? CO2 extraction is an amazing...

The Vast Research Melissa Essential Oil vs. Herpes Simplex Viruses, & Personal Experiences
The Herpes simplex viruses afflict between 50% and 80% of the adult population in the United Stat...

Research: Bergamot Essential Oil Lowers Anxiety in Humans!
As reported in the German journal of Research in Complementary Medicine, the inhalation of Bergam...

Sandalwood & Cancer: A Multi-Study Research Review
Here’s a very interesting research review from the Journal of Anti-Cancer Research of several stu...

Research: Frankincense & Sandalwood Essential Oils Kill Cancer Cells in Different, Complementary Ways
As reported in the Journal of Chinese Medicine, Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) and Sandalwood (...

Our All Organic, Truly Natural Sunscreen & Summer ‘Intensive’ Therapy Formulas
Why ‘Sun Radiance’ now? Any time the skin is exposed to the Sun, is a good time to offer some nou...

Helicrysum Essential Oil - Complete Guide
Discover HelichrysumEssentialOil.Com - Our Complete Guide
The aromatic helichrysum has been re...

Regenerative Potential of Helichrysum
The Regenerative Potential of Helichrysum for Skin is Encouraging
Blends Including Helichrysum ar...

Synergy Essentials Blog
We are dedicated to offer in this Blog over 20 years of research backed up by science and o...

Blue tits use medicinal plants to disinfect their nests, scientists have discovered.
The birds li...