Synergy Essentials (Ananda): Will you offer Vanilla CO2 Extract soon?

Synergy Essentials (Ananda): Will you offer Vanilla CO2 Extract soon?

We currently do not carry  Vanilla oil due to the affodability at the moment. But we'd like to ta...
The Earth Element

The Earth Element

Chakra: Four petaled Muladhara root chakra.Animal: ElephantDynamic: Yang, active, masculine, rich...
Natural Medicine Getting More Attention from Mainstream

Natural Medicine Getting More Attention from Mainstream

An article in the Miami Herald has noted that the use of natural and complementary medicine in th...
Melissa Combats the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

Melissa Combats the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

The Herpes Simplex virus (or HSV) is a difficult disease. It is widely known as incurable, with p...
living young essential oils

Our All Organic, Truly Natural Sunscreen & Summer ‘Intensive’ Therapy Formulas

Why ‘Sun Radiance’ now? Any time the skin is exposed to the Sun, is a good time to offer some nou...
Helichrysum Italicum: A Potent Regenerative for the Skin

Helichrysum Italicum: A Potent Regenerative for the Skin

Among the varietals of this plant, only the “italicum’ species has been bestowed the moniker 'Imm...