The Water Element
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Chakra: Six petaled Svadhisthana (sweetness) chakraAnimal: WhalesDynamic: Yin, feminine, receptiv...

The Function of Essential Oils in Sinus Infection
Co-authored with Dr. Syeda Farzana Bibi, PhD, MSc, MEd. When one enters into the world of aromath...

Synergy Essentials (Ananda): Will you offer Vanilla CO2 Extract soon?
We currently do not carry Vanilla oil due to the affodability at the moment. But we'd like to ta...

The Basics of Pure Essential Oils
Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Part 1, the Basics - by Danny SiegenthalerAromatherapy makes use ...

Research Update on Frankincense’s Cancer Fighting Potential
Here’s an update on the incredible scientific research showing Frankincense essential oils destro...

Melissa Combats the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
The Herpes Simplex virus (or HSV) is a difficult disease. It is widely known as incurable, with p...

Making Essential Oils - Steam Distillation, CO2's and Absolutes
Aromatherapy Goes 'High Tech' - New methods of essential oil extraction are entering the mainstr...

Essential oils are one of nature's premier healing gifts
These delicate compounds demand great care in their production - from growing and harvesting of ...

Frankincense and Myrrh EO’s Tested Together Against Numerous Cancer Cell Lines. See the Results!
Frankincense and Myrrh essential oils have both been positively studied for their anti-cancer act...

What is a CO2 Extract? How Are CO2′s and Essential Oils Different?
What does ‘CO2′ and ‘Super Critical CO2′ mean to the aromatherapist? CO2 extraction is an amazing...

Our All Organic, Truly Natural Sunscreen & Summer ‘Intensive’ Therapy Formulas
Why ‘Sun Radiance’ now? Any time the skin is exposed to the Sun, is a good time to offer some nou...

Helichrysum: Could it Be a 'Magic' Oil!?
The many wonders of Helichrysum essential oil stretch across the globe.
The essential oil of Heli...