Indian Sandalwood

  • Distillation Method: Steam
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Plant Part: Heartwood
  • Latin Name: Santalum album
  • Cultivation: Wild Grown


About the Oil: This is our classic Indian Sandalwood, proprietarily- and naturally-aged at Ananda to improve its aromatic and potentially therapeutic properties.

• Therapeutic grade
• Middle Note
• Soft, woody, earthy, slightly sweet

Aromatherapy Notes: This is a relatively fresh distillation of the highly desirable East Indian sandalwood. It is high in santolols (90%), and effective for skin care applications where a high santolol level is desired. We also offer a blend of pure sandalwood oils called "Sandalwod Extra", which made up primarily of this Indian sandalwood plus a smaller amount of Vanuatu/Pacific Island sadalwood, resulting in what some customers have said is among the finest sandalwoods they have ever experienced. 


Product Description

About The Plant

Santalum album is a short, tropical tree native to the Indian subcontinent. Wildly cultivated and long lived, Sandalwood's harvest is viable after 40 years. Sandalwood is harvested by pulling out whole trees and their roots and only trunks and branches above 2.5 cm in diameter are used.

About The Oil

This Special Aged Indian Sandalwood Essential oil has been tested for its high santalol level. Much of the research surrounding the sandalwood's therapeutic properties examine the effects specifically of this molecular group. At the same time, there are a host of other 'sesquiterpine alcohols' which are certain to have therapeutic benefits, but have not been studied individually.

NOTE: It is common to find oils distilled from the wood of Santalum lanceolatum and Eremophila mitchelli fraudulently sold in the marketplace as "Sandalwood" essential oil. However, neither the aromatic compounds nor the therapeutic attributes are similar enough to true Sandalwood to act as a substitute.

Of Interest

The long history of Sandalwood in the cultural and spiritual life of Asia is enormous. The wood has been: carved into furniture, temples, and religious icons; burned as incense in Buddhist and Hindu temples; and used in Tibetan and Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine(s), just to name a few of its many uses.


Therapeutic Properties




protects mucous membranes
soothes irritation
softens skin
reduces moisture loss
reduces redness
diminishes swelling
neutralizes microbes
firms and contracts exposed tissue
tones and restores venous circulation
promotes the healing of tissues
helps heal burns and wounds
encourages cell regeneration
reduces scarring
minimizes stretch marks
neutralizes insects

Recommended for dry skin, oily skin, blemished skin, aging skin. Specifically good for psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, scalp irritations and aftersun care.


neutralizes microbes


aids in the expulsion of mucous
stimulates the bronchi
quells coughs
protects mucous membranes
soothes irritation
diminishes swelling


relaxes cramping


relaxes cramping
settles digestion
increases absorption in the intestines
promotes normal peristalsis
assists the body's natural eliminatory response
calms nausea
neutralizes microbes
promotes urination
helps maintain kidney action


increases veinous circulation


reduces swelling
helps move lymph fluid


firms and contracts exposed tissue
reduces moisture loss
tones and restores venous circulation
promotes the healing of tissues
protects mucous membranes
soothes irritation
neutralizes microbes
diminishes swelling


increases sexual desire
enhances sexual performance


lessens anxiety
reduces stress
mood elevating
promotes sleep


Special Aged Indian Sandalwood essential oil is cooling and primarily indicated for conditions of a hot nature.


Long considered the oil of choice for meditation, Sandalwood is reputed to quiet mental chatter. Sandalwood has a great effect on spiritual development related to the crown chakra, and it also links the base and crown chakras. Its aroma is relaxing, uplifting, soothing, and may improve mood.

Santalum album oil is high in sesquiterpenes, a class of compounds which have been studied in Europe for its effects of stimulating the pineal gland. The pineal gland is responsible for regulating sleep, so using Sandalwood oil may induce and improve sleep cycles as well as enhance dream activity and dream recall capacity. The pineal gland is also responsible for the limbic region (emotional center) of the brain. This makes Sandalwood great for helping to balance the emotions, specifically when emotional states are hot and agitated or when reacting to others with aggression or irritation. It also makes it a good oil for dealing with fear, stress, and a hectic daily tempo.

Its aphrodisiac effect may be due to its psychological effects (the lessening of the mental)




Direct inhalation, diffuser, oil vaporizer, steam inhalation
Inhale to experience the psychological and subtle energy effects of Santalum album oil. Its anxiety reducing effect also supports the immune system; immune cells have receptor sites for neurochemicals (which implies that a healthy NERVOUS SYSTEM–one free from stress–can lead to a healthy immune system).


massage, compress, bath, sitz bath, douche, ointment, skincare
Constituents alphasantalol and betasantalol have been shown to have a sedative effect. For more pronounced anxiety reducing and sleep enhancing effects simply place a drop on the wrists and massage until it is absorbed. This Special Aged Indian Sandalwood Essential Oil will naturally be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Sandalwood can be added as a moisturizing ingredient to dry or aging skin care formulas or simply diluted in a carrier oil such as avocado or rosehip (at 15% concentration). Alternatively, it can be added to oily and blemish control formulas or diluted in a carrier oil such as jojoba or hazelnut (at 15% concentration).


Aromatherapy Details

Ananda Apothecary’s Santalum album oil has a quite soft aroma. It has a mildly sweet top note, a soft, herbaceous middle note and musty, woody undertones. It remains a masculine scent, yet this species and distillation leans into a rounder and slightly floral composition, yet less than the Wild Australian and Royal Hawaiian sandalwoods.

Sandalwood is used extensively in perfumery as a base note and fixative. It makes a wonderful natural perfume as a single oil, blends well with almost every other oil, and acts to harmonize blends that need softening without overpowering them.

Special Aged Indian Sandalwood Essential Oil blends well with: Eucalyptus Radiata, Basil Oil, Peppermint Oil and Pine Oil
“It blends well with rose, violet, tuberose, clove, lavender, black pepper, bergamot, rosewood, ge-ranium, labdanum, oakmoss, benzoin, vetiver, patchouli, mimosa, cassie, costus, myrrh and jasmine.”



Generally non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing. Always test a small amount first for sensitivity or allergic reaction.


Eric's Notes About the Oil


Sandalwood essential oil is extracted from the Sandalwood tree, native to the East Indies. The divinely sweet aroma, a softly balsamic base-note, evokes the Earth element at its most sensual yet deeply tranquil.

This sandalwood has been tested for its high santalol level of approximately 90%. Much of the research surrounding the sandalwood's therapeutic properties examine the effects specifically of this molecular group. At the same time, there are a host of other 'sesquiterpine alcohols' which are certain to have therapeutic benefits, but have not been studied individually.

A search of the research database Pub Med for Sandalwood Oil yields very interesting results. Several papers have been published demonstrating sandalwood's ability to prevent skin cancers caused by both UV radiation and toxic chemical exposure. (in Anti-Cancer Research, Jan-Feb 2008: 'Effects of alpha-santalol on proapoptotic caspases and p53 expression in UVB irradiated mouse skin' and Jul-Aug 2007: 'Chemoprevention by alpha-santalol on UVB radiation-induced skin tumor development in mice', also in Carcinogenisis Sep. 2006: 'Chemopreventive effects of alpha-santalol on ultraviolet B radiation-induced skin tumor development in SKH-1 hairless mice' — more studies available on Pub Med at Sandalwood has also been shown to improve sleep — in a Japanese study, topically applied Sandalwood oil significantly reduced the total waking time when sleep/wake cycles were investigated.

While these are only preliminary studies, Sandalwood can be added to skin care formulas -- it has a wonderful aroma, enjoyed by both men and women, and helps hydrate dry skin. Small amounts can be worn 'neat' (undiluted) upon retiring for the evening to reap its potential sleep-enhancing effects. This may be an excellent way of enjoying its stress reducing, or axiolytic action, as well.

The oil is high in sesquiterpenes, a class of compounds which have been studied in Europe for stimulating of the pineal gland and the limbic region of the brain - the center of our emotions. Clarifying and stilling to the mind, and refreshing to an overheated body, Sandalwood is though to reconnect one to the primordial state of being. Diminishing the need to 'overthink', Sandalwood can instill a sense of inner unity, helping re-establish an acceptance of reality as it is.

Sandalwood has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, traditionally as a skin tonic, and of course for yogic meditative practice. It may be beneficial for both acne and dry skin; it has also been used to treat chronic bronchitis. The aroma of Sandalwood is sedative, with possible antidepressant effects. The oil may also be helpful in cases where depression has lead to sexual difficulties, and can support the nervous system and circulation.