First Signs of Aging

First Signs of Aging

As much as fighting the already present signs of aging is very commonly discussed, not many  people seem to touch upon the first, not-so-clearly visible indications of this progressive process. Meanwhile, prevention of skin aging while the skin is still young and intact is known to be the most effective way to keep your complexion healthy and glowing for years to come. Helichrysum fits perfectly into the needs of youthful skin, ensuring its long-term vitality and beauty.

Even if we don’t see it, the young skin stays constantly exposed to various sources of oxidative stress including pollutants, sun rays and irritants. Acting synergistically, they destabilize the skin’s building macromolecules as well as disrupt proper skin cell proliferation - it is firstly seen as dullness, then as gradual loss of texture and brightness. Helichrysum is one of the most powerful antioxidants that exist, being abundant in polyphenols, counting flavonoids, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. It effectively promotes the healthy, firm architecture of the skin, at the same time acting against age and sun spots as well as other mentioned signs of free-radical damage.

Over time, the skin loses exponentially more water and moisture, hence first fine lines and wrinkles become visible. Helichrysum possesses plenty of esters which, acting as emollients, hydrate, soften and smooth out the skin. Unlike similar substances of this kind, they do not leave an oily residue what gives them a certain advantage.



  1. Melitoa, G.L. Petretto, J. Podani, M. Foddai, M. Maldini, M. Chessa, G. Pintore; Altitude and climate influence Helichrysum italicum subsp. microphyllum essential oils composition
  2. Daniel Antunes Viegas, Ana Palmeira-de-Oliveira, Lígia Salgueiro, José Martinez-de-Oliveira, Rita Palmeira-de-Oliveira; Helichrysum italicum: From traditional use to scientific data
  3. Werner, W. Ebrahim, F. C. Ozkaya, A. Mandi, T. Kurtan, M. El-Neketi, Z. Liu, P. Prokosch; Pyrone derivatives from Helichrysum italicum
  4. Dimitar G. Bojilov, Stanimir P. Manolov, Iliyan I. Ivanov, Silviya L. Mollova, University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”, Faculty of Chemistry, “Tzar Assen” Str., Plovdiv; INVESTIGATION OF ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF DIFFERENT EXTRACTS OF HELICHRYSUM ITALICUM FROM BULGARIA



DISCLAIMER: The information presented here is for educational purposes of traditional uses and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Statements made here within this blog, product page or website, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Please consult with your physician, or naturopathic doctor, aromatherapy clinician or medical professional, particularly your obstetrician if you are pregnant before use of any product.

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