SHIPPING WOES: Increasing Costs, Delays, Lost packages & International Duty

Shipping domestically and worldwide is a critical issue at this time. Anything from delays to increasing prices is being experienced globally. We all have seen cargo ship delays in major waterways, ships sitting outside our coastal borders for days on end, freight deliveries halted or delayed and so on. We feel it our duty to acknowledge that shipping delays are becoming more of 'a thing', let's say.

Shipping service and prices are the single most significant aspects we are watching closely. 

Increasing Shipping Costs
We are seeing this noticeably. We have experienced sticker shock at the cost of shipping when we order packing supplies and other accessories that accompany your package. 

Here's our experience:
In December, for a $500 order of packing supplies (recyclable wadding cellulose, and compostable packing peanuts the cost to ship the goods was $1100. That is more than double the price of what we were purchasing. We couldn't afford it, so we prayed our supplies would last, which they did, literally to the last kernel of biodegradable popcorn. January shipping fees were slightly better, but the prices of the supplies had gone up.

We do not like the fact that our costs are going up. Inflation is here as 'they' say.  We feel it prudent to share that we are feeling the pinch. 

We have spent an enormous amount of time sourcing basic supplies for the most economic options on the wallet. However, we all understand supply and demand and we are beginning to see the shifts of the times with respect to shipping, shipping delays, shipping costs and availability of items, including the increasing costs of some things that traditionally have been very affordable. 

Due to Shipping shifts overall - we are also taking a changed approach to how we order our raw goods, offer wholesale, and order from suppliers overseas. While some of you wholesale buyers may also be curious at our changed approach, we are being forced to operate and scale in a way that we have not done in previous times. We like to refer to this as going with the flow.

Delivery Delays
It is also becoming more common for arrival dates of packages to be longer than expected in some cases. Based on our own experience and a few customers' feedback we know this is happening. Fortunately, only a handful of Synergy Essentials customers have been affected. Majority of packages are arriving quickly.  We understand any frustration you may experience. We don't like it any better than you. 

We have experienced shipping delays in our personal life. For example, after 6 weeks of waiting for a new appliance and repeated rescheduled deliveries, we cancelled the order. Turns out the appliance ordered from Sears was being delivered through Costco. Even larger companies are pulling resources together to execute things they did themselves beforehand. 

Please be Patient for your Order. 
While delays can be frustrating, it has nothing to do with our efficiency in getting your orders/packages out. Might we respectfully request that any inquiry about delayed packages be with kindness, respect and free of emotions like anger or otherwise free of unpleasantries. We are in service to YOU. We also take claims or any complaints seriously. However, we feel it important to share our experience to these unpleasantries.  Some are rather abusive and reflect in heated emails (some in all capital letters) blaming the delay on us, or implying that we have taken payment and not provided an equitable exchange. The latter, a serious allegation.

We regrettably share this experience in an effort to find understanding and quell any frustrations. Most of the like feedbacks tend to compare the great service of Ananda, and the less than optimal experience with Synergy.

Much of what has significantly changed since early 2020, is a world issue, not a specific company issue. We are, in fact, trying to swim in the ongoing turbulent waters. We will address other company issues and comparisons in tomorrow's newsletter, as we feel it is time to be transparent on many aspects and find balance, if not address expectations that we simply can not uphold in the current circumstances.

If Your Package is Delayed, You can Find it's Whereabouts Easily
As a reminder: in your confirmation order notification, there is a tracking link included, and of which if you simply click on the link it will tell you immediately if it is "in transit",  or where it is. It will even tell you when it was delivered, and where it was delivered. For instance, if it was left at the receptionist desk of your office. 

By clicking the tracking link you will be able to learn exactly where your package is, and when it is scheduled to be delivered. If it is not delivered by that date you will still get updates.

You can also see exactly when a package was delivered, the date, and time. If we see it has been delivered,  please ask your neighbors, check other entrances to your home, check the porch or perhaps a chair on your deck. You just never know.  

Why are we only using USPS? Isn't there better or faster services?
USPS is the most cost effective for us, and you during these times. The tracking features are reliable as any other carrier. Given inflationary prices for goods at this time, the USPS boxes we use are provided free to us. We have cut our costs on this principle of shipping option, and if USPS is helping us keep our costs down, you get the benefit. 

Lost packages - sometimes it happens.
We have had two incidents since December that were inadvertently mis-routed and took forever to arrive at the proper destination. This was very unfortunate. We apologize for any inconvenience.  

International Shipping: Why are we only shipping to Canada?
We currently only ship to Canada and no other country outside the USA.   We are highly cautious at this time given all shipping conditions. International orders are larger orders, so should a package be delayed (given the products that need to be stored properly) or lost, we can not afford to absorb such costs at this time. 

There can be some serious drawbacks for Canadian customers too. The Customs tax customers have to pay may not make it worthwhile for the whole. For more details, see why here

Future of International Shipping
We are being asked when international shipping will be activated. There is a good likelihood, it does not any time soon. In such consideration to reinstate worldwide shipping we are  electing to be mindful of our planet and the impact of the carbon footprint.

We may not ship internationally for sometime, save for wholesale orders to resellers and other service providers. We are assessing this currently. Until shipping is a seamless, easeful and efficient operation globally we prefer to play things safely. 

How does all this affect you?
It's sufficient to say if our prices increase, our pricing may also adjust accordingly. However we  have a few ideas up our magic sleeve! We will share more once we figure out a plan of action. Do know:

Our mission is to be in service to the plant(s) medicines and to the people, or rather YOU, our community. Our goal is to be as accessible and affordable as possible. This has not changed. We will do the best we can with the conditions and resources we have in hand.